Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree…

Does size matter? Well, when it comes to Christmas trees, maybe.
This year we got the big one…biggest we’ve ever had. I gota, tell ya It looked a lot smaller out in the woods. After we trimmed off about two feet we were able to stand it in the tallest corner of our little house. Now at 13 feet it is dressed for the holidays. Believe me it was quite a job on my part. I mean my gosh, can you just imagine this 60+ year old grandma teetering on a twelve foot extension ladder twisting and turning to reach those elusive branches in an effort to place the perfect ornament in the perfect spot. But the look on my little grandson’s face as his eyes scanned to the top of this big one was worth all my effort. Using his new favorite word he whispered, “Amazing.”

We found our perfect tree in the midst of a snow storm in the Cascades. What Fun!!!

In the middle of the project…
The results…

Monday, December 8, 2008

Every year there is Christmas or in our house maybe we should call it Christmess…I have so darn much Christmas decorating stuff that I could easily stock a small store. And…every year I get more, go figure.
My husband halls the boxes down from the attic and as I unpack them the mess grows on my floor, on my dining room table, on my kitchen counter…every flat surface in our little house is buried in a cluttery, cheery jumble of holiday ornamentation. Then….as if by magic, all this stuff is put into place. And once again, as in years past, the Christmas Season can begin.

*This year I even hung stuff on my kitchen cuboards*
*Even our faux fire place looks Christmasy*